Please note that you will lose your GameMaker preferences as part of a fresh install, so it is worth saving this information to a safe place before you begin, so you can see if it's safe to re-apply once the reinstall is complete. (You can then uninstall one of them if you wish.) We would suggest you actually download and install the non-Steam version and follow this guide fully, as once the standalone version is working this should fix your Steam copy at the same time. Steam users: Be aware also this guide shows the path names for the non-Steam GameMaker release throughout, but the same steps apply to Steam also - you generally just have to add the relevant '-Desktop', '-Web', '-Mobile' or '-UWP' bit to the folder names shown. 'GameMaker Did Not Complete Its installation Correctly'.Unable to Install Again Because Windows Says GameMaker Is Still Installed.Instructions are given below for both Windows and Mac IDE users, but note that the troubleshooting sections at the very bottom of this article cover issues which don't exist on macOS installs. If there is potentially an underlying issue with your installation, our support team may ask you to do a fresh install of GameMaker to resolve the issue. Sometimes errors can be caused by corrupted files or other errors during the installation process.